La bûche de Noël ; un dessert français qui s’inscrit dans la tradition italienne (et romaine)

La bûche est un dessert aux origines anciennes qui est servi sur les tables de Noël depuis des années. Comment le préférez-vous, sucré ou salé ?

Un dessert aux origines médiévales

La bûche de Noël est l’une des bonbons de Noël le plus aimé de toute l’Europe. Ses origines sont assez anciennes et remontent à Moyen Âge. À l’époque de Noël, il était de tradition d’en mettre un énorme sur le foyer bûche de bois qui aurait dû brûler jusqu’au jour deÉpiphanie à l’aide d’autres morceaux de bois. De la cheminée, ils prirent ensuite le cendres et ont été conservés en signe de Bonne chance. Ce geste aurait amené le la fertilité des champs, le richesse et le rythme.

Encore aujourd’hui dans certains états du nord de l’Europe cette tradition est préservée, même si au fil des années la bûche de Noël a été remplacée par une tronchetto certainement mieux, le dessert que nous connaissons tous. Cette première est survenue dans le La France de [1945 from a pastry chef who had decided to prepare a dessert in the shape of a tree trunk. He had accomplished it with one cookie dough and then stuffed it with marmalade. It was a dessert that had conquered everyone and which soon spread first in French-speaking countries, then in the rest of Europe.

The savory version of the traditional dessert

In a short time, therefore, the log spread throughout Europe and became part of the traditional sweets that are consumed in Christmas. Over time, like all things, even the Christmas log has undergone some changes. It was initially made with an elastic cookie dough, which was shaped like a log and which was stuffed with marmalade. A later was added to this Chocolate frosting that if leveled with a fork can recreate the veins of the wrinkled bark of a tree.

In recent times it has been thought of creating a new type of Christmas log, this time however savory. It is a quick and easy recipe to prepare, which contains few ingredients and can have a thousand variations. The more classic version, however, is made up of sandwich bread which can form the base of the trunk, from spreadable cheese, from the Mayo, from the lettuce and from prosciutto.

A thin slice of flat bread is rolled up on itself, on top of which the mayonnaise is first spread and then the lettuce and ham are added. The roll obtained is then sealed and stored in the refrigerator. It is then covered with spreadable cheese and finally streaked with a fork.

The delicious « Pompi » log

Also in Rome the tronchetto is a dessert that is now part of the tradition. It is prepared in homes during the Christmas holidays in both savory and sweet versions, but it is also served in best pastry shops of the capital. In the Via Anagnina inside the « Winning pastry shop”For example, you can taste a delicious slice of Christmas log on the spot.

The best log in the capital can be found at the « Pompi pastry shop“, One of the best known in all of Rome. The best pastry chefs are making a delicious log stuffed with this Christmas Chantilly cream and chocolate that is wrapped in a soft cookie dough. It is a dessert that is then transferred into the hands of the cake designers who with their skill fill it with Christmas decorations, transforming the log into an adorable one Santa Claus or in a nice little tree. The « Pompi » log could therefore be an excellent dessert to order and enjoy during the holidays or to give to loved ones at Christmas.

Nihel Beranger

“Coffee addict. Lifelong alcohol fanatic. Typical travel expert. Prone to bouts of apathy. Internet pioneer.”

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